
Hey hey! I made a second gen rp on discord and we really need people to join! You can make four characters when you join and if you prove to be active, you can have many, many more! 
          	-Parents can be ocs or ccs, doesn’t matter! Just note that for cc parents there are a couple of rules that will be stated in the discord! 
          	-It is a semi-lit at least rp. You can do more if you’d like but you just have to be semi-lit at minimum. 
          	-There are currently six schools to choose from, but as soon as the spots get chosen, there will be new schools. 
          	-Each school is looking for a Coach, Team Sponsor (basically teacher who sponsors the club), Manager, Libero, Ace, Setter, Two Middle Blockers, Two Wing Spikers, and a Pinch. Captain and Vice Captain are not separate roles so you can just add them onto your character’s other position.
          	-All the players on the team have to be male, but the coach, team sponsor, and managers can be any gender. 
          	-Ships are totally allowed between ocs and ocs as well as ccs and ccs. Just no ocs and ccs together! 
          	Thank you for reading, hope to see you join!
          	Here’s link:


Hey hey! I made a second gen rp on discord and we really need people to join! You can make four characters when you join and if you prove to be active, you can have many, many more! 
          -Parents can be ocs or ccs, doesn’t matter! Just note that for cc parents there are a couple of rules that will be stated in the discord! 
          -It is a semi-lit at least rp. You can do more if you’d like but you just have to be semi-lit at minimum. 
          -There are currently six schools to choose from, but as soon as the spots get chosen, there will be new schools. 
          -Each school is looking for a Coach, Team Sponsor (basically teacher who sponsors the club), Manager, Libero, Ace, Setter, Two Middle Blockers, Two Wing Spikers, and a Pinch. Captain and Vice Captain are not separate roles so you can just add them onto your character’s other position.
          -All the players on the team have to be male, but the coach, team sponsor, and managers can be any gender. 
          -Ships are totally allowed between ocs and ocs as well as ccs and ccs. Just no ocs and ccs together! 
          Thank you for reading, hope to see you join!
          Here’s link:


this message may be offensive
Y’all. I have learned a very valuable life lesson today. If you think you saw a mouse or rat, even in the most bizarre places like an elevated house, it’s probably a mouse or rat. Trust your gut instinct. 
          So here’s the story for the 0 people who asked. I was at my dad’s house, and his house is elevated off the ground. And during winter break, I was staying over for a while. And I kept thinking I saw a mouse or rat somewhere since I kept seeing this big black ball moving but eventually came to the conclusion it was just my imagination. 
          It was not. 
          Because you see, tonight, I was at my dad’s and he was at work. And I was sitting on the couch and I was thinking about finally going to bed. So I look towards the door and what do I see? A mouse or rat, I honestly can’t tell them apart. And before I could react, it ran into my dad’s room. 
          So, at 12:28 in the morning, I call my mom and she comes to pick me up. And my asshole of a dad knew about the thing too and just didn’t tell me. I love him don’t get me wrong, but still! 
          Anyways that’s your daily life lesson with Crystal! Until next time which is when I finally edit things I was supposed to edit and post. But until then
          Crystal Out! 


Y’all ever just think about the future and death? I know I always joke about wanting to die, but the truth is, I don’t actually. The concept of death terrifies me. Is it just the end of out consciousness? Is there an after life? Is it like falling asleep but never waking up. It terrifies me and I’ve been having a hard time falling asleep lately because of it. What if one day, I just die in my sleep and that’s it? I’ll never wake up again and there’s nothing left? Anyways sorry for this. I just had to get this off my chest. Until next time. 
          ~Crystal Out! 


@BanditBucket I’m glad you’re learning to conquer it. If you do still struggle to sleep, I suggest getting some melatonin. It’s a natural chemical and just speeds up the process for you to sleep, but you do wake up groggy in the morning. If you take too much, though, you won’t be able to sleep and you’ll be exhausted in the mornings, so don’t take a surplus amount. Next time you go to a doctor, ask what a good dose would be for a person your size and age


@Gaming_Crystal3099 I don't wanna die but it's inedible and happen to everyone, no ones special we are all end up the same way and that's dead. I have in my head that there are multiple parrel universities so say you almost die one day what if your living in the universe where you've survived and it keeps going on and on. If your really that's goodbye death listen to will woods song called Memento Mori and very comforting and helped me to tame my fear


@Gaming_Crystal3099 @the-pulls I agree with the one above me. I'm not a good person to talk about advice when it comes to fear since, as I said, I somehow get into situations where you can literally die-


I just got a blood test done again. I had to go last week and I was poked 3 times and they were unable to get blood. Today I went in again and got poked another 3 times and it was successful. But my wrist is still in pain from the experience. At least it’s over now! 


Just wanna ask what happened to "divided". My wattpad won't let me read it and idk what's wrong. I tried to check your account but when I did I can't find the book ._. 


I unpublished it for the time being. I still need to get everything sorted so it’ll be posted again once I have that done and the first chapter done as well


Ne ne~ when are you going to update Alerynth?  I'm very hooked with the story so i wanna know 
          And what's going to happen with the love potion


            We are currently writing the next chapter. Also, you’ll have to just find out. 


Does anyone here watch Dream and co? Bc I do and kinda wanna fangirl with people! If you wanna chat, you can pm me here or on Discord. My discord is ~Crystal #9331
          Ps: Honestly, if I have the time and motivation I might make a dream team and co fanfic. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
          ~Crystal Out!