
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!! And remember its wrong to call your cousin a boring block of cheese (long story)


Positivity chain!
          Say five positive things about yourself and send this to ten of your followers! ❤️


            Uhh...either “Another One Bites The Dust”, “Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy” or “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”
            Also, Pete, I’d love one of those cookies 


            Patty: Oh one more thing
            Pete and Patty: I WILL FITE YOU! *tackles you* Don't talk that way about yourself kiddo *squeezes*
            Me: *in the corner of the room* Yes! Finally someone else being tackled
            Patty's and Pete's kids: DON'T TALK THAT WAY ABOUT YOURSELF! *tackles me next to their parents*
            Patty: Good kiddos
            Pete: when K.A.P and Rose are feeling better yall can have cookies
            Me: *blows hair out of my face and turns head towards you* so whats your favorite Queen song? Mine is stuck between "Under Pressure" and "We Will Rock You!" Oh and "We are the Champions"   


            Patty: Rose is very self-conscious of herself
            Pepper and Virginia: yours truly
            Patty: It'll take her ages but Pete and I are her morality soooo
            Pete: Yeah  


OK PEOPLE!!! DO PRAY TELL......WHY DO I HAVE 12 FOLLOWERS? *casually looks over shoulder "JuSt In CaSe"* I know 12 may not seem like a lot but FWI it is to me so yeah.....oh and another thing ALL OF YOU ARE PRECIOUS BEAN'S!!!!! AND HAVE MY SUPPORT!!!! *yeets support and it flies everywhere*


@RoseRoss1976 WE SHALL MEET IN THE BATTLEFIELD OF HONOR UNLESS YOU ARE A COWARD SIR! *takes gloves off and slaps you*