
Ok, might just give in and write a fanfic, just not sure which fandom do write on yet.


You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!❤️❤️
          Now post this to everyone's wall, who you think deserves the world. 
          If you get:
          1 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          2 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          3 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          9 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          Don't be pressured to send it back ❤️


@Blu3f1ame I did copy and paste, but don’t worry if you can’t send it back.


@ABCCatsAndDogs how do I send it back?


Hai kak izin promosi 
          Gibran Alvano anak dari keluarga orang kaya raya. Anak dari pasangan Rohan Alvano dan Keisya Salsabila. 
          Hingga suatu hari Gibran melakukan suatu kesalahan yang cukup fatal hingga ia diusir dari rumahnya tanpa diberikan uang jajan. 
          Pada hari itu pula ia bertemu dengan seorang gadis yang bernama Amanda Mahendra. Gadis yang menolong dirinya pada hari itu. 
          Bertemu dengan Amanda, Gibran mulai melakukan pekerjaan paruh waktu bersama Amanda. Bahkan hubungan mereka makin lama semakin dekat. 
          Hingga waktu masuk hari sekolah mulai ternyata mereka berdua satu sekolah dan satu kelas. Mereka berdua pun duduk satu bangku dalam kelas. 
          Sebuah kejutan besar telah menanti di hidup Gibran tentang latar belakang keluarga Amanda.Rahasia apa yang tersembunyi di dalam diri Amanda? 
          Apa mereka berdua bisa bersatu disaat sebuah rahasia terbesar terbongkar?

          Semoga kalian suka 


@ RohanaSalsabila  oke. No problem


@Blu3f1ame I hope it translated well.


            Halo yang disana. pertama saya ingin minta maaf, saya belum tahu banyak bahasa, jadi saya harus menggunakan google translate. kedua ini kedengarannya seperti kisah yang luar biasa dan saya harap ini mendapatkan nomor penonton yang Anda harapkan. saya tidak keberatan Anda mempostingnya di sini, dan akan mencoba membacanya tepat waktu. Saya harap semua tujuan Anda menjadi kenyataan.


Hai kak izin promosi 
          Ini kisah tentang kehidupan Renata Issabela yang penuh dengan luka. Selama hidup Renata bahagia bersama dengan keluarga yang utuh, tapi hingga suatu hari sebuah kejadian yang mampu membuat hjdup Renata satu persatu orang yang ia sayangi pergi meninggalkan ia sendiri.
          kisah ini mengajarkan kita untuk tetap semangat walau kita sudah jatuh berkali kali. Jatuh, bangkit kembali.
          kita boleh jatuh tapi, jangan terlalu lama kita terpuruk oleh kesedihan tersebut.
          selamat membaca kisah pilu seorang gadis bernama Renata Issabela.

          Semoga kalian suka 


Ok so I wrote a very short story that has no plot or anything... didn't want to make a entire document for it so I'm just posting it here. 
          I've realized that I really shouldn't be surprised that things went horribly wrong here in town. In fact! There are three reasons why the apocalypse would happen here. 
          We aren't really known for our academics, or preplanning I mean seriously, why did our mayor put the fireworks factory next to both the glass blowing furans and the power plant is beyond me. Though I really like the water-park that's next to our electrical towers. I suppose we needed some more tests in school maybe that would have helped. I don't understand why people keep saying “this is why I won't visit.” Like they not visiting makes a difference. We will still enjoy our minty orange juice.
          The second reason I think is that our people are not considered normal. We all have terrible tempers, short fuses, and all of our parents mysteriously die. On the bright side our foster homes are the best in the country. We also all looks very odd. A person in our town either look like anime protagonists or radioactive m&ms. Maybe the nuclear factory leak near the deli on taco Tuesday has something to do with it. Not sure. 
          The biggest reason however has to be you writer. Seriously go get therapy or something. We are all tired of your stupid cleshay angst stories. None of us have any issues until you come along. Stop projecting your father issues on us and seriously with some of the things that only happen when you show up, go to church, you need Jesus. Dang! Leave us alone with our radioactive stupidity.


Ok, so... I noticed that I flew through the the trail and didn't add many details, so, I could go back and write further into detail about the trail and how many days it lasted, or I could keep the trials short and to the point, what do you think?