
Are you ready for a brand, spanking new YA book. Just revealed the cover for my latest story, THE UNIVERSE IN YOU. Check it out and add the book to your libraries. Chapter one is coming very soon <3


Honestly, rascal appeals to mee more as l observe through your books. 
          If l may ask, how did you get to my profile, lm just curious to know 


@avatarnatar1 Aww thanks. Glad you like him. Hmmm, I was just looking for interesting people to connect with. I must have seen you followed a genre profile that clicks with me too. Can't remember which one though! Happy reading <3


Hey there!!! Thanks for the follow! I appreciate it and welcome!!! You came just in time for the debut of my fantasy novel, Silver:The Lost Royal which would be out on Wattpad, tomorrow May 6th!! 
          Looking forward to hearing your feedback! You can also check out my other stories if you're interested in Romance or Mystery/Thriller.
          The Sparkling Authoress,