
Hey starlings, Rosaluna here. I just wanted to say.......... A NEW BOOK IS OUT!!! That's right, I am FINALLY updating. Sorry it took so long. Also, I am having trouble with my cloaked figure story, so it will take a bit to get past writers block. Anyway, the new book is a SANS X FRISK BOOK! Yay! 


Hey starlings, Rosaluna here. I just wanted to say.......... A NEW BOOK IS OUT!!! That's right, I am FINALLY updating. Sorry it took so long. Also, I am having trouble with my cloaked figure story, so it will take a bit to get past writers block. Anyway, the new book is a SANS X FRISK BOOK! Yay! 


Hey guys, Bluelilly here. So, remember a while back I said that the name for u guys will not be a contest, well, I changed my mind. I am not getting enough comments on it. So, if u will plz participate by going to conversations, that will be helpful. The winner will get a shoutout and I will use the name unless I come up with one later on. Also, I WILL finally be updating. Sorry it took so long. 


@Bluelilly1 Maybe your followers can be called your bouquet? Sorry, that's the best I can come up with


Hello my followers! ( sorry still no unique name yet for you guys/girls)
          Please note that the story Cloaked figure is having some slow updates. I will be back on track soon, don't worry! If you have any ideas on what I should call my followers, please mention them. I might even make this a contest. No inappropriate things or swearing. Please note that this is NOT a contest YET.


@Bluelilly1 hey what about waterdrops 