
Hi, my dear readers!
          	I know I haven't been active on wattpad for a long time so I want to explain what happened to me that stopped me from updating my  neither of my books.
          	First of all, because of this pandemic, I had to do online class almost all the school year. When I returned to school in May, the homeworks have increased and the teachers give us many tests and projects which I had to focus on.
          	Second, my mind was an entirely mess. I don't know how to explain it. It's just....everytime I tried to write the wedding chapter for "Loving A Heartless King" my mind went blank and I couldn't find anything that I could use to inpire me. Don't get the wrong the wrong ideea, I still have the imagination for this book. I'm just not good at writting wedding scenarios so that's why this chapter will be very short.
          	Same for the book "Bloody Love". I don't know what to write next so it can be interesting and worth reading. This book is like a dead end to me so I'll delete it.
          	Thank you for your understanding and I hope you will forgive me for my long absence. 


Greetings Ms/Mr/Mx Bonnie
          I absolutely LOVE your fantasy but there is some problems..
          I understand that English isn’t your first language 
          Your spelling is good the only problem is in your stories there is repeated words which makes the sentences not make sense 
          While you’re typing your stories please reread them to make sure they’re not repeated words in the same spot
          “The Heartless king” is fine 
          But I’ve realized you made us very emotional 
          That was in the first and second story can we have a story where we’re NOT so emotional? 
          Instead of crying and depending on others can we fight for ourselves? And save others? Every once in a while?
          In the “awakening”
          It was so good and juicy I wanted more 
          I even stayed up until 1AM on a school day to try to finish it 
          I also have a request 
          Can we get a story called “You’re Mine Not His”//Jealous Nozel Silva reader” 
          Nozel is jealous of Mr Fuegoleon because he has Y/N wrapped around his finger but what Y/N doesn’t know is that Mr fuegoleon has been seeing someone else Nozel doesn’t know yet until he catches Mr Fuegoleon and this mystery women in his bed 
          I’ll let you take on from there! 
          I’ll be waiting for you ☝️ 


Hi, my dear readers!
          I know I haven't been active on wattpad for a long time so I want to explain what happened to me that stopped me from updating my  neither of my books.
          First of all, because of this pandemic, I had to do online class almost all the school year. When I returned to school in May, the homeworks have increased and the teachers give us many tests and projects which I had to focus on.
          Second, my mind was an entirely mess. I don't know how to explain it. It's just....everytime I tried to write the wedding chapter for "Loving A Heartless King" my mind went blank and I couldn't find anything that I could use to inpire me. Don't get the wrong the wrong ideea, I still have the imagination for this book. I'm just not good at writting wedding scenarios so that's why this chapter will be very short.
          Same for the book "Bloody Love". I don't know what to write next so it can be interesting and worth reading. This book is like a dead end to me so I'll delete it.
          Thank you for your understanding and I hope you will forgive me for my long absence.