Bonnie Bartel Latino is a former freelance columnist for Stars and Stripes newspaper in Europe.

The military love story and mystery, Your Gift to Me, which she co-authored with New Jersey writer and graphic designer, Bob Vale, has won four literary awards:

2014 First Place Adult Fiction; N. Texas Book Festival
2013 First Place Romance; The Kindle Book Review
2012 Gold Medal Military Romance; Military Writers Society of America (MWSA)
2012 Silver Medal Inspirational & Healing Fiction; Stars & Flags Book Awards

Bonnie has also won two national MWSA writing awards including The 2011 William E. Mayer Award for Literary or Artistic Excellence and the 2009 People's Choice Award. Three of her stories have been published in MWSA anthologies: Her stories have also been published in Military Times newspapers. Bonnie was a correspondent for the Mobile Press-Register Living Arts’ book page from 2004 until 2012.

Bonnie is the manager of Bonnie Bartel Latino Literary, LLC.
  • Atmore, Alabama
  • JoinedJuly 5, 2013