I'm a girl. I just love Prison Mike, because who doesn't?
I've got dozens of WIP's in my drafts though I've dropped most because of lack of motivation :/
I'm a nerd for all things Marvel :D But I can get really political on ya so if you want to debate or just rant I'm totally down!
I spend most of my time writing and reading books and comics (mostly manga, but good ol' superhero comics never hurt).
History is my favorite subject because math sucks!!!
I'm an activist for all things liberal (sorry if that offends you, I completely respect the "other side(s)" but the minute someone's rights are at stake then it's no longer negotiable). #blacklivesmatter #pride #metoo #prochoice #everythingleft :D
I genuinely apologize if you're offended by my tags (especially if it's from a religious standing point). I respect all religions or lack there of but I still stand with my previous statement!
Stay safe to the two people still reading :DD
  • JoinedNovember 10, 2016