
Aloha. So I stopped writing fanfics cause of writers blocks and life. But now I'm back and I'm starting a new one. I don't know when it's gonna be posted but I'll update you guys on it. That is if everyone still remembers me 


Hey there!
          I just wanted to share this absolutely amazing Valentine's Day writing contest! There are four adorable yet thrilling prompts to choose from. This Valentine's Day contest accepts fandoms such as Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Marvel/DC, KOTLC, and a fandom we have in common; FTRS! I would love it if you joined this Valentine's Day writing contest. This way, FTRS fans can get more content, you can get inspired, and you can have fun reading other people's entries. Please consider joining! If you can't join, then please stick around to read other people's entries.
          (I swear I'm not a bot, I just told the contest holder that if they added FTRS as a fandom being excepted, I'd post this on as many FTRS writers' conversations as I could.)
          The link is attached below. Thank you for your time!


The girl reading this is kind and I'm proud of her. Now, you are on the clock, in 9 minutes something will make you happy. Please share this with 15 girls you love. Remember, only for girls. If I don't get this back, obviously I'm not a close friend. Now, I have a game for you, it's been played since 1993. Once you read this, you have to send it too 15 girls. Your next 5 days will be like this:
          Day 1 - you will wake up in the morning and you will get the biggest shock of your life.
          Day 2 - you will meet your old friend you missed.
          Day 3 - you will find yourself with a lot of money.
          Day 4 - your day will be perfect. 
          Day 5 - the person you like the most in your life will spend lots of time with you. If you don't forward this, your next 5 days will be the exact opposite. Don't break this. Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard. Whoever sent this to you must care about you. Send to good friends and family no group chats.


@Sophitz_is_life already did it, but.....
          Every night someone thinks about you before you go to sleep.
          At least 15 people in this world love you.
          The only reason someone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
          There are at least two people in this world who would die for you.
          You mean the world to someone
          Someone that you don't know exists loves you
          When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good will come from it.
          When you think the world has it's back on you, take a look
          Always remember the compliments you've received
          Forget the rude remarks
          So if you're a loving friend, send this to fifteen people including the person who sent this to you
          Tonight at midnight, your true love will realize they like you
          Something good will happen to you between 12 in the morning and 4 o'clock pm tomorrow
          It could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life
          If you break this chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the next years. Send this to fifteen people in fifteen minutes.