
So I accidently posted chapter 53 of I Hope You Dance instead of 52, but it's fixed now! 


Y'all, I Hope You Dance has some chapters that are out of order! I've gone in and fixed it and hit save, but after it saves, nothing has changed! Does anyone know how to really fix this? 


@itswildflower I think I fixed it! I logged out and deleted the app before getting back on, and it seems to have worked this time! 


It might need to be unpublished and fixed before publishing it again, I had that happen once and that’s how I fixed it


So I have decided to go back and revise some of my stories as I have improved my writing style. I will be going through all of them but at the moment I am focusing on my Levi Ackerman fic "Angel of Freedom", I just reposted Chapter 1 and I hope to get the rest of this story and my others up soon!