
@Phamiltrash everybody around me stereotypes people. 
          Our school is like really messed up, there's the ones who like sports, and are 'popular' then there's me and my friends. the 'nerds' who like anime. They say that everyone who doesn't watch anime is normal then the 10 of us who like anime are weird nerds. 
          The closest starbucks to where I live is 50 minutes away.I'm grateful.


The principal at our school comes into class, and she stops the teacher. It's like 2 times a week. She tells us that being antisocial is bad and we should stay out of our comfort zones. She tells us not to bully and to be kind and respectful but she doesn't realize that she's being extremely offensive to those antisocials around her. 
          The only people i'm social with is my few antisocial friends, the ones I rarely hang out with unless I need to.