
@Angeleyes0305 thank you !


Hi ! Would anyone be interested in reading this story ?
           Roselaine Song is the daughter of the royal families butler. She grew up around the royal family, she knows everything there is to know on being royal, etiquette, manners, humility and kindness. When Prince Nathaniel starts the go off the rails, being rebellious and compulsive, it is Rosalaine The Queen turns to to help tame her son. But what happens if Rosalaine's involvement with the prince becomes more then professional?
          Maybe I'll even finish this one.


Yeah I would read that. That sounds interesting


I have started many stories but not finished a single one. I plan to start a fresh.
          I am deleting 3 of my stories; I need you here with me,  Never the same and We've got the spirit.
          I will put thease into a small entry called scraps.
          I plan on finished I guess forever ends now with my co writer Emily hopefully. I also WILL be finishing Faking It and Hell's Haven. Lastly, I am thinking about re starting my The Guide To: Series, I really love the idea of Escaping the friend zone but the begining I wrote sucked. 
          So there you go .  I think I cover all my stories. Any questions or request just drop a comment :) 
          Megan x