
almost done with the next chapter of the alpha's sunshine. the only thing i can tell you about it is... prepare tissues for this one.


Who would kill for an update for You're My Sunshine now? I might update depending on how many people reply to this message. But then again, I know I'm just setting myself up for embarrassment since I know there will be 0 replies and no one is dying to read the next chapter lol.
          Still thought I'd try my luck though. :)


@BreeElla  thank you so much  I can’t wait to see what happens next!!


@coralin_Daywalt hello, thanks so much! this means a lot to me that u liked my story. and thank you for the advice, i’ll definitely keep it in mind :-) i promise i’ll try my best to finish the next chapter and post it asap. be patient in the mean time!! thank u once again!!


@ShaymaA1234 hello! thank you so much for reading my book and liking it!! i’m going to try my best to finish the next chapter and post it as soon as i can but hang on tight in the mean time ;-)


          I am so sorry but I might not be able to write sunshine: thirteen by the end of this week. I was going to try and finish it by today and give to you guys as sort of a New Years' Eve present but there is a terrible, terrible block in my mind right now.
          I do not want to rush my writing because sunshine is a story plan two years in the making, I fear that rushing my writing will ruin it. I want to give you guys good content to read, but I may not be able to if there is a deadline for updating. So once again, I am truly sorry for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger.
          I promise I will try my best to get rid of this block and give you guys something worth waiting for. Cross my heart. But for now, this might be goodbye for another month or so. School starts next week so... I may not have time. :(
          Thank you to the readers who wait for updates patiently and vote for my chapters, I really appreciate you guys so much. Y'all mean the world to me with your constant support. :)
          xoxo with all my love, B


hello sunshines! good news for those you who like my story, you're my sunshine. i am on hOLIDAY. which means i am writing again. three cheers for the holidays! 
          so anyway, i'm currently working on sunshine 12 but fair warning, my writer's block has been acting up again (plus, i've been watching jessica jones non-stop) so don't expect it any time soon. 
          but fear not, because i've got like half it already written, but not edited though. so i'm hoping to get chapter twelve up by the end of this week, hopefully. i feel excited for the people who are excited about this (if there are even any) because big things are happening in this story soon so i hope you'll be sticking around. :)
          xoxo with all my love, 