
This is such an amazing day for the lgbt community, same-sex marriage is now legal in all states in the United States. I'm so happy for every single gay couple out there especially the ones who had to wait forever to marry the one they love. Congratulation to you all! :)


I have a questionn. . . how many words do you put in each part of your stories, or like how do you decide "It's time to start a new part/chapter?"


I don't really count how many words I write in each story, the number of words that are put in them is just how I evolved as a writer. My first story is only like 1,300 words because it was my first try and there isn't a plot to it really. The last story on here is over 10,000 because of how much more plot, detail, and basically more thought I put into it. 
            Deciding on writing a new short story is hard, Ideas for a new story will not always come when you want it. I haven't written anything recent because I haven't come up with any ideas that I think would work out. So what I'm saying is I don't really decide when I'm going to write/post, it just when I get an idea that works then I'll write a new story. I hope that answered your question(s).


This is such an amazing day for the lgbt community, same-sex marriage is now legal in all states in the United States. I'm so happy for every single gay couple out there especially the ones who had to wait forever to marry the one they love. Congratulation to you all! :)


Heya, I just found your account and I would just like to say that I noticed your background. :) That's the story from tumblr right? It's so cute!! I loved that story. Sorry, I do hope you know what I am talking about otherwise this is awkward.... Anyway, please excuse my rambling. Have a great day/night!!! :D