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Why's panic! at the disco still called that-Brendon needs to change it to Brendon! at the disco..

I prefer my puns intended.

Things he tastes like:
You (only sweeter)

Things you were:
My picket fence

Things I'll be:
Your number one bullet

Things my songs know:
What you did in the dark.

Things I've got:
-Troubled thoughts
-The self esteem to match

Bad fandom puns is what I live for

Can girls stop wearin Nirvana shirts to be hipster even if they don't listen to them?

I'm 17 but you wouldn't know that because I have the body of a 6 year old girl weighed down by lumps on my chest bigger than my whole fucking body combined!
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  • Urieninig
  • JoinedApril 9, 2016