
Hey everyone! I will be closing this account sometime over the next few days once I have finished removing all of my old story drafts. If you wish to see what I have been up to writing-wise over the last year, please head on over to my new profile @houseofmirrors ( where you will find my latest projects. 
          	Thank you, and I hope to see you all over there soon! 
          	- Bri. x


Hey everyone! I will be closing this account sometime over the next few days once I have finished removing all of my old story drafts. If you wish to see what I have been up to writing-wise over the last year, please head on over to my new profile @houseofmirrors ( where you will find my latest projects. 
          Thank you, and I hope to see you all over there soon! 
          - Bri. x


You are an amazing writer. I'd go more into why and the specifics but I'm quite tired. Lol I just really wanted to tell you before I logged off. ~ 
          You're my absolute favorite writer on this website. xoxo


@CartWheelzOfRage I cannot even begin to express just how incredibly encouraging and how thankful I am for this comment. It really means a lot to have someone say that. You are amazing!!! And your support means the world to me! xoxox


Lately I have been re-reading Jane Eyre, for the umpteenth time, and it has reminded me just how much I love the beauty and elegance and sophisticated description and imagery that writers use to implore to communicate and the vivid images and emotions they shared. It is a shame that so many now days have a lack of this. Things have become simple. Words have become simple, and in some ways meaningless. I wish we had the vocabulary and artistry of our literary predecessors. I guess that is my goal, to possess even half the talent of those before me. It can be done!
          Sorry, rant over. haha.


@HouseofMirrors I've never read anything more true in my life. You are so right and I wish we could have more writing like that. I attempt it myself. lol it seems like when I do, I'm discouraged from it.