
Hey Everyone! 
          	I just came on to Wattpad to read and I saw the reads on ‘Risking Survival’. 140 reads, I’m crying! Thank you all so much I can’t believe there’s that many reads. I’ll be posting another chapter or two soon. Again everyone thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you all enjoy the book so far.  


Hey Everyone! 
          I just came on to Wattpad to read and I saw the reads on ‘Risking Survival’. 140 reads, I’m crying! Thank you all so much I can’t believe there’s that many reads. I’ll be posting another chapter or two soon. Again everyone thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you all enjoy the book so far.  


          Just thought I would send out a quick message to let everyone know, I'll be having a huge update soon. Most likely this weekend or the next. Tonight I've posted an update of 'Risking Survival'. But for the big update I'll be updating the following:  'When Green Meets Blue' and another update of 'Risking Survival'. Also I'll be posting the first chapter of the Sequel to 'Four A.M.' So be ready for all of thank. Thank you all so so much for your support, reads, comments and votes. Please share my books! Also if you ever want to talk feel free to message me, I'll respond as fast as I can. Thank you again.  
          ~Briar Rose 


Hey Everyone!
          It's been a bit since I've posted any updates on my stories and I'm sorry for that! I'm so busy with school work/exams. So update: I will be posting updates but I'm waiting until I have a few chapter written so that I can update more frequently. Both my stories will be updated as soon as I have a couple chapters ready for both. Also I have a couple new story ideas that I'm going to start writing and I'll post those too. Please be patient. Thank you all for everything including your support! Please share about my stories too.


Hey everyone I started a new book, it is book one of a Larry Stylinson series I'm writing. The first two chapter are up. The book is called Green Meets Blue 


@Niallscupcake02  I'm glad you like it! I'll be updating again as soon as I can 


Hey everyone! I was thinking of pulling my story 'A Split Second' down to edit and fix all of it so its written better, has more detailed parts, etc. I feel like it's not good enough but I don't know would anyone be upset if I did that? Also would people read it again when I repost it? You would most likely have to restart it as parts of the plot/details would change but I would confirm that when it goes back up. Should I pull it down and edit/change it? Or leave it up and edit it after but not make changes expect for spelling, grammar? Please let me know!


Hey everyone! Just wanted to quickly update all of you on my stories and future posts. I updated my story 'A Split Second' to Chapter 14 and 15 will be coming soon, I took down my Larry Stylinson Fix You because I'm going to change the plot of it a bit, I'll repost it soon. I also added a new story which is my Bakery AU, chapter 1 of that story is up chapter 2 will come soon. Please be patient for updated chapters as this week, starting tomorrow I am back in school with exams coming up. I will update the stories but just be patient for them, thank you. 
          ~Briar Rose