
          	Dear Charmings,
          	This isn’t easy for me to write, but I need to share something important with you all. Life has a way of steering us onto different paths, and right now, I find myself at a crossroads.
          	I’ve decided to be inactive on Wattpad for a while. There isn’t one specific reason, but it’s a necessary step for me to focus on my goals and life. This decision weighs heavily on my heart because Wattpad has been my haven, and you, my dear Charmings, have been my family.
          	Each comment, each message, every piece of feedback has meant more to me than words can express. You’ve been my inspiration, my motivation, and my joy. It breaks my heart to step away, but I need to prioritize my future and dreams.
          	Please know that this isn’t goodbye, but a ‘see you later.’ I’ll carry your love and support with me every step of the way. I hope to return stronger and ready to share more stories with you.
          	Thank you for being my stars, my guiding lights. I’m incredibly grateful for each one of you.
          	But plz promise me that I'll always stay in ur memories!


@BrightAdvice I’m so glad you are following your career and your dreams, I wish you the best of luck! Wattpad will sure be lonely without you, but remember that if you ever need any advice, or just someone to talk to, we’re here. Always remember to never stop chasing your dreams. Oh, and  don’t forget to have fun! Love you so much bestie! ❤️


@BrightAdvice and I promise that you will always stay in my memories bae!!!! 


@BrightAdvice  yeah, Focus on your goal and achieve success dear , hope you will back sooooonnnnn 


          Dear Charmings,
          This isn’t easy for me to write, but I need to share something important with you all. Life has a way of steering us onto different paths, and right now, I find myself at a crossroads.
          I’ve decided to be inactive on Wattpad for a while. There isn’t one specific reason, but it’s a necessary step for me to focus on my goals and life. This decision weighs heavily on my heart because Wattpad has been my haven, and you, my dear Charmings, have been my family.
          Each comment, each message, every piece of feedback has meant more to me than words can express. You’ve been my inspiration, my motivation, and my joy. It breaks my heart to step away, but I need to prioritize my future and dreams.
          Please know that this isn’t goodbye, but a ‘see you later.’ I’ll carry your love and support with me every step of the way. I hope to return stronger and ready to share more stories with you.
          Thank you for being my stars, my guiding lights. I’m incredibly grateful for each one of you.
          But plz promise me that I'll always stay in ur memories!


@BrightAdvice I’m so glad you are following your career and your dreams, I wish you the best of luck! Wattpad will sure be lonely without you, but remember that if you ever need any advice, or just someone to talk to, we’re here. Always remember to never stop chasing your dreams. Oh, and  don’t forget to have fun! Love you so much bestie! ❤️


@BrightAdvice and I promise that you will always stay in my memories bae!!!! 


@BrightAdvice  yeah, Focus on your goal and achieve success dear , hope you will back sooooonnnnn 


I want to take a break from wattpad cuz of my pending works 
          And all the other things 
          So I won't be active here for this week 
          Remember I've a life outside wattpad !!!
          Prolly back next week!!
          Bye and goodnight 


@BrightAdvice Okay dear! No matter We will wait for you...Bye and always be happy!❤️


@BrightAdvice  okay sis!! I will wait for you, bye and Good night ❤


New Story Alert.......
          A sweet fanfiction of
          You gotta wait....
          I ain't telling this early