
Out of curiosity is there anyone that is interested in being a editor for me? Or interested in helping with helping with motivation. Because I don't have any right now.


Hey I can be an editor. But it depends on the content. Dm me and we can talk. 


I'm going to say good job on your book keep working at it spend a little more time editing and never give up. Your book blurb and synopsis is solid, and we definitely want to know more about Sol, what she looks like what she sounds like what she snores like what she smells like how fast she runs how she pulls her hair back what kind of makeup does she likes use excetera excetera excetera. Always work on developing your characters which I'm sure you will do as you go through your story a little bit of the time. Good job, do not take this as a negative review


 @ChrisBieniek7 it's okay constructive criticism is a good thing


@ChrisBieniek7 I feel like every sentence we write is better than the last one in some respect and that's totally fine to go back in aided later. I just didn't want to come down on you too hard.


@ChrisBieniek7 also, my new chapters got little bit better. My plan is to finish the book and then go into editing. 