
Hi everyone! I am SO sorry for not updating since LAST year! I have been super sick lately! (I’ve missed two weeks of school due to a low vitamin D level. I had to get blood work done at the hospital.) Hopefully I will get back to updating soon! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day!


Hi everyone! I am SO sorry for not updating since LAST year! I have been super sick lately! (I’ve missed two weeks of school due to a low vitamin D level. I had to get blood work done at the hospital.) Hopefully I will get back to updating soon! I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of their day!


Hey guys! Just wanted everyone to know that I’m taking (another) break for the holidays! SB should be out not this Saturday, but the following Saturday. Thanks for y’all’s patience! I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and if you don’t celebrate I hope you have an amazing weekend! 


I know I say this a lot but I am so sorry for not posting a lot lately. I’ve been super busy with midterms, exams, drama (a lot), and just school in general. Since I’m off school until January, I’ll hope to get back to my normal schedule starting next week, or if I feel like it tomorrow (not likely). Thank you for y’all’s patience and I hope you have an amazing day! 


Sorry for not updating! My schedule has been messed up  GP should be posted tomorrow! Thanks for y’all’s patience. Have a great weekend!