
Just to let everyone know. I have made many changes to my first book. One being the name. It is now called Without You and is in the process of being published. The book has turned out amazing and I couldn't be happier with it. Definitely check it out and if you would like to purchase it, I will post another update when it's available. Thank you for all your love and support!


Just to let everyone know. I have made many changes to my first book. One being the name. It is now called Without You and is in the process of being published. The book has turned out amazing and I couldn't be happier with it. Definitely check it out and if you would like to purchase it, I will post another update when it's available. Thank you for all your love and support!


Hello everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying Em's story so far! I've been putting a playlist together for my book when I'll have it completed. Each one of these songs has inspired a certain part of the story. Since I haven't posted the full book, I won't post the whole playlist. That'll just ruin it lol But I will tell you the song that inspired the prologue. I've loved this song for about ten years and it definitely summarizes Em and Ben's crumbling relationship. The song that inspired the prologue is "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" by John Mayer. You should definitely listen to it after reading it! Hope you guys are enjoying the book thus far! Love you all!!!


Do you know what's an awesome feeling? When you see your reads have gone up by at least 10 within the past hour and you haven't updated or posted a new chapter in a few days.  I'm hoping that means that I have some new readers or that people are interested enough to keep following the story! As a thank you to all of my readers, I will post chapter 5 tonight! Make sure to tell your friends and I'm pretty sure that things are about to get more interesting for Em! 


Alright, so I want to take a moment to thank everyone for your encouragement and your opinions on Past, Present, Forever! And for taking the time to read it. Since I started writing this book in July, I've felt like this was finally the right time in my life and this is exactly what I've always dreamt this book was going to be.  Other than hopefully seeing it on shelves in bookstores all over the world in the future, seeing it on Wattpad for everyone to read, has been surreal and a dream come true. Let me tell you that it has been exciting and terrifying all at the same time. This book is literally my other baby. Today is the first day in the last week that I didn't get a chance to write anything (I've been preparing for sis-in-law to visit and well, I have a kid and husband lol) but I will not stop or slow down. Seriously, I know this is what I want to do for a career and for myself. I've known this for as long as I can remember. So please continue to read Em, Cam, And Ben's story. Fall in love with them, like I have. Actually I love all my characters... I created them 
           I'm currently on chapter 11 so there's plenty more to share, I'm just going to pace it with putting it on Wattpad. Thank you again to everyone's comments and please.. Please.. Keep them coming!!!!