
Hey everyone, 
          	Quick update, I have a few chapters of Jess' Girl ready to upload in the coming weeks. For those eagerly anticipating another of Potter's Shadow, I promise it will be coming soon. Just trying to find some free time in order to sit down and write around all my Uni stuff - having a social life, keeping house and actually keeping up to date with uni work is exhausting


Hey everyone, 
          Quick update, I have a few chapters of Jess' Girl ready to upload in the coming weeks. For those eagerly anticipating another of Potter's Shadow, I promise it will be coming soon. Just trying to find some free time in order to sit down and write around all my Uni stuff - having a social life, keeping house and actually keeping up to date with uni work is exhausting


Hey everyone! Just got Wifi in my new student house. University starts up today, which means I'm no longer free all day everyday to write. I've stored up a few chapters for Potter's shadow, which I will slowly upload once a week. While Jess' Girl as a new impulse project, I have no chapters for it. I will try and get around to writing some soon but Potter's Shadow is my priority because it's come to a close soon. Wish me luck and comment if you want updates on when the next chapter release will be!


@Anaboo28 Hey. I'm not sure if I will. If I come up with a really good idea, I will but I'm mainly focusing on my original works after I complete the last two fanfictions on here


            when you are done with this book, could you write another Harry Potter fanfic


when will you upload the next chapter of the potters shadow  pls tell


@BrunetteReads no worries !! You can take your time but just remember you are not at all writing trash I love your stories ... I have red some and am in love with potters shadow so , I hope you post soon and sorry if there is any grammer errors ,english is not my first languages and hope that you will post soon :)


@ravenclawclaw Hey! Hopefully soon. I've started the next chapter but taking a little break because I felt like I was just writing rubbish. I'm planning on finishing it in the next week or so when I get a chance. Hopefully the book will be finished within the next two months because I have it all planned out but just have to write it <3