
I keep on getting random users advertising on my stories. First, with K-pop, now with a game :/


I don't really use Wattpad anymore, only to check notifications, so this account is dead ;)


@BubbleTeaDrinker I mean if you're fine with doing that sure. 


@EquestriaGirl101  I am not quitting for good, but I guess I could maybe rewrite my stories like how my friend is doing? I might change the username too lol


Hello followers, 
          I know it has been a while since I have updated The Magical Ocean. I want to let you all know that the book is on hiatus now as I have lost the motivation to continue writing it. 
          However, I have started a long term Wattpad book that I'm dedicated to put all my time and efforts into writing it. I PROMISE this time that you will see a completed book  Please do not get your hopes down!


Attention all followers:
          Chapter 1 of my first book is officially done and posted. However, do not form a solid opinion on the book yet as most parts of the story remains incomplete. I don't know how long it is going to take to finish the whole book. So far it is taking me forever just to write one chapter, which isn't a good thing. Anyways, stay tuned because there is more to come :D


@BubbleTeaDrinker Yay! Can't wait to read the next chapter!