
Yay last round of the cover awards! If you would like to help me to win it, please comment Despair next to my cover here: https://www.wattpad.com/718496023-the-sumo-cover-awards-2019-final-round
          	Thank you  have a nice day! 


Halloo  Liebe / r @Buchjj
          Herzlich willkommen in meiner Followercommunity <3 Freut mich sehr, dass du nun mit dabei bist <3  Du hast die 178 voll gemacht!! <3
          Hier gibts 2x täglich positive Vibes durch motivierende und nachdenkliche Sprüche :)
          Ab dem Dezember zusätzlich einen in meinem Adventskalender der etwas anderen Art :)
          Den kannst du ab sofort auch als Buch bestellen:)
          Ich habe einen fertigen Kriminalroman "der geplante Mord" 
          Aktuell bin ich an meinem Blog mit den verschiedensten Themen, den alle Leser gerne mitgestalten dürfen :) Ebenso habe ich ein Buch, in dem du dich und deine Bücher vorstellen darfst:)
          Ich habe neulich auch eine Kurzgeschichte begonnen, die heisst "Gefangene"
          Wenn dich das Thema Veganismus und / oder Vegetarismus interessiert kann ich da mit einem vielseitigen Sachbuch dienen :)
          wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Abend und nachträglich ein frohes neues Jahr<3


Hey, I was one of Scarlett's (cinnabar_hurricane) friends. I said I preferred the original because I didn't like how Natsuki was just placed there. However, overall I did like it! I wouldn't mind if it was on the cover. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for being understanding of Scarlett. While she was talking to me about it, she seems to really be happy that someone made a cover for her! I just wanted to thank you. We need more people like you!


@ Yuno_Lin  no worries, I was never offended, but thank you for your comments ^^ you are great friends and people <3 


@Yuno_Lin Same~ You took the words for me. Love you Buchjj~


Hello dear follower,
          Some of you asked me if I'll update my stories soon, so I decided to answer here.
          I'm sorry I always get to the point where I don't upload for very long. That is because I have a quite busy life and I just don't find the time to write. 
          I will try to upload my stories Queen of Middle-earth and Illusions soon. I can promise though that I won't forget about it. It just takes a little longer. 
          Have a nice day! 
          Toodles ❤


@Buchjj Take your time!  We all have lives to go through too!


@ BlackBird6692  yes I am :-D