
I'm not sure if I will be reading much here anymore. Every time I look for a story or writer I love, I find it/they are gone. Deleted. Some great stories I was reading or had planned to read have been discontinued.  It's really bothering me. I'm sorry if I've ever caused the same feelings. I will continue writing and publishing here but I think I see my mom's point about how stupid wattpad is. There are many writers here I love and it kills me to back away but it's worse finding I  missed out on a story or can't share a work of art. 


I'm not sure if I will be reading much here anymore. Every time I look for a story or writer I love, I find it/they are gone. Deleted. Some great stories I was reading or had planned to read have been discontinued.  It's really bothering me. I'm sorry if I've ever caused the same feelings. I will continue writing and publishing here but I think I see my mom's point about how stupid wattpad is. There are many writers here I love and it kills me to back away but it's worse finding I  missed out on a story or can't share a work of art.