
I might think about making a random sentence book. What do you guys think? Or anything random. Just gimme a topic and I will work with it! Thanks peeps!
          	                                   ~J. L.


Or something like that... I have question for everyone. Please take this into consideration. I am here if you need to talk. I enjoy talking to people and I hope most of us can become great friends! Please forgive me if I say anything bad in my books. If you aren't comfortable with anything in it, I will change it immediately. Thank you for those who are reading my books. I really do appreciate it!


I also care for you peeps!


Just read your anime one............ It was interesting since I've never seen this anime before. But other wise, GOOD JOB! You made me laugh! Congrats! 


@Bunnehgurl and the anime book I'm talk about is How It All Began Part 1 of 4 Season 1. I might change the title a little where it say the part to part 1 of 5 or something


I like that picture of the rabbit. Its cute


@CrystalDiamonds210 hey can you read my books or one of them and tell me what you think about it