
2012 Rapheal is a pillow princess
          	that man is not a top


After waiting for a moment he lifted the glasspane from the bottom, slowly making his way into your aparment, careful not to wake your parents.
          You hadn't anwsered his text for the last three-ish days
          "OO00ooo" He froze for a second, what was that noise?
          "aaa-aaAAHHH" he stood there frozen, "ow ow ow" that sounded like you but a bit deeper. What were you doing? Were you-
          three very large loud sneezes soon rang out.
          "i haTe beiNG SIIICKK! AGGGGGGggggg" He let out a small contaned laugh before turning back towards the window, grabbing a sticky note with a smily face and leaving on your nightstand.
          Then leaving, closing the window behind him.


So im watching 87 tmnt for a study
          and here's what i got after watching about to episodes
          Very strong, their weapons are also very strong.
          Mikey can get angry very quickly
          raph love him, he isn't angry just a loveble ass
          Leo so far is just a leo
          donnie is a bit snarky


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Raph sits in his girlfriends window going to hang out with her for Christmas eve
          "Yeah yeah, fuck off before i shove my foot up your ass" he says to leo before he turns to see his girlfriend mortified and her brother building a lego car on her floor
          "Not infront of the lego raph!"


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Quick little idea drabble.
          So i make a little tmnt au with all the pros and cons that i want in an au, plus a little character on the side lines.
          Bla bla 
          Now heres my idea
          My team plus said chara get teleported to another au (im thinking rottmnt but havent chosen yet) and everyone get split up durning said teleport
          Leo and the chara end up in around the same area
          Leo durning said teleport gets really fucking hurt, can barley walk hurt.
          Chara is trying to stay calm as they try to figure out what to do. 
          When they teleported everything they had on them is still with them, and they have some cash and a credit card on them.
          They go to the nearest atm and try to pull some money out of it.
          And it pull money out of this au chara's bank
          (A little plot device if you will)
          So they get a hotel room and they pain stakinly move leo into the room, they go to the nearest walmart and with some more of they money they pulled out they buy a shit toon of medical supplies and some food for leo to eat.
          They go back to the room and play doctor for a bit.


            Time skip
            The chara finds donnie and with leo they kinda plan out what to do.
            Donnie sets out at night to try and find his brothers
            Leo stays at the hotel resting.
            And the chara with the help of donnie is using a device he made to document any magic energy that could get them back home.
            So they chara is walking around and diving into out of the city.
            Being spotted by mikey everyone once in a while but its always at a bad time for him.
            Mikey finds raph at some point and they team up with the other au's team to try to find their family.
            One night raph is just servaing an area when he spots the chara and goes after them.
            They're walkinv down an allyway holding the device in their hands, going after a lead.
            He finally catches up with them.
            They do a quick movie stare down before the chara is just pulled into a random portal by fours hands. Raph trys to grab them but fails. 
            Thats all i have at the moment
            I love the idea and want to write about it so badly.
            What do you guys think? Any critiques? Any ideas?


            Pov. Move to mikey who wakes up tied up on a chair he the other au tmnt team, kinda just watching for a moment before the others notice him awake. They start asking questions and he trys to answer them but is having a hard time. This Au's chara walks in and he freaks out, easily breaking out of the ropes and just books it over to them to hug them and ask them questions before he figures out that they arnt his chara.
            He backs up a bit to think for a moment. The others in the room are slightly freaked out, and start to talk amongst each other
            The chara kinda brushes it off and goes to the others to talk.
            Mikey overhears bits of what they were talking about.
            The chara brings up the bank transactions and shows the guys some ctv fotage of what seems to be the chara but the chara was with them that day.
            Mikey quickly bolts over to them and takes the phone to look at the picture and is over joyed that the chara is okay and he is just talking to himself at the moment


So i was thinking, i dont write on here anymore. nothing wrong with the app, i just dont have the motivation to write anymore. Burnout is kicking my butt right now.
          But a thought just hit me. A writing  colab with others on this platform. it can be any fandom (that i know the chara's of)
          it can be any genra. it can be about anything.
          Would anyone be intrested in joining?


Angel x demon
          A small boy stood in front of the king, seemingly demanding an audience with him.
          He had light brown skin and dark brown hair topped with small light brown horns , his eye veryied differently from each other, one of them a light lilac and the other was made of two small circles of bright green.
          His clothes didn’t seem his style either, he had on a tight light red crop top, long white sleeves that started from just above his elbow, long black baggy pants that blended down to his akels, long black socks and wooden shoes, his tail swaying back and forth behind them.
          He didn’t seem any older than 7.
          The young boy looked around the castle for a moment before his eyes turned and stared into the kings.
          “Who are you?” The king spoke as he watched the amazement in the young boy's eyes.
          “I'm an Angle!” The boy's voice was bubbly as four large bright white wings glided out of his back. His eyes opened slowly as he spoke, “what’s your name?”. His hand moving down to lay on his front side. 
          “My name?... My name is Nightmare, king of nightmares.” his left hand tapping ever so slightly on his throne, his right hand holding his head up.
          The young boy’s eyes closed ever so slightly as he stared up at the man, the smile gone off of his face.
          “Oh…” the boy seemed to be getting older by the second until he looked about 17, “So you're the one who I’m looking for?” The boy now a man with four arms, his face plastered with a pissed off smug face.
          “Oh? And what could you need from me” The kind stood up, his hands behind his back, his eye staring down into the young man’s.