
From here on out chapters of 'Gensokyo Hat Heist' will be uploaded weekly on fridays.


@ BurntToast68  ok


The first two chapters of my new book "The Gensokyo hat Heist" are now up. I'll be uploading the rest over the course of the next few weeks. I would ask everybody to please read the disclaimer at the beginning. Thank you for your time.


@BurntToast68 I certainly am excited on what you have cooked up this time. I fully believe anything you write is enjoyable and a treat for the eyes. Great to hear you're back at it again, was starting to miss you!


@Fimigi Thanks I appreciate this a lot, please temper your expectations though. By my own admission this story is not as good as my previous one.


All three endings of Average Man’s Trip to Gensokyo should now be uploaded. I’ve tried to make each one as different as possible but, inevitably there was a bit of overlap. I want to apologize for taking so long on this (Roughly 40 days) but, I hope it was worth the wait! Also! Be sure to read the text in brackets at the top of each one, it’s important! Thank you for your time.