
Hello Wattpad, long time no see.
          	I've been back into writing again these days and I am going to randomly post here.


Hey y’all!!! College life is a bitch!!!!! Well maybe it’s just when I have to pay for it that it is..... anyways real talk.
          I have thought about giving up doing my fanfic trilogy. HOWEVER I might not be. If I don’t put a schedule to it and just write when I have time then it can continue and I won’t have to worry so much about it.
          I also had lost my editor for putting my story in the UK style of writing. I have a friend who does it but not so much as my editor did. Which is why I’m partially hesitant to post anything without that “filter” of sorts. I might have but I feel odd/weird about it.
          Anyways I’m sorry if this sounds like a repeat but I do really miss all of you and I want to get back into writing.
          Maybe the chances will be better once I graduate hopefully this year. End of Summer. ❤️
          Anyways I wish all y’all the best and see ya later!
          “You are Enough! You are so Enough it’s UNBELIEVABLE how Enough you are!” ~Sierra Boggess


Is there any chance I could offer you some help? I don’t know about editing, and I don’t know what the “UK” style is, but I would like to help any way I can. I know it’s up to you, I think it would be perfectly acceptable to post without running it through an editor first, or that’s what I do at least. Either way, I hope college for you goes well, and I hope you find time to write! Good luck!


          So... um I'm so sorry for being away for like two years. I am actually nearing the end of my second year of college and hopefully will be done with my program(fingers crossed) soon. But while I'm prepping for my summer courses I have about 4 weeks between then and now, so I was thinking about getting back into my writing.
          The only reason I stopped was because of how much college and my part time job took up of my time. I always intended to get back into writing I just didn't know when. I did write short stories on my phone but I never felt like they were worthy of Wattpad.
          For all those who read my fanfics or are just about to read them, I want to thank you for all your love and support, as well as everybody on here. thank you so much for the encouragement and your patience. I don't know when any more chapters will be coming out specifically time wise, but I do plan to continue my 'The Phantom's Muse' book and it's two planned sequels (yes I literally have this as a book trilogy).
          I also plan to still do book trailers so if you have a fanfic you want me to do a trailer for, let me know and I will. Soon I will set up a time frame but I won't release my set plan for that yet until after the summer probably or when I have my schedules planned out.
          Anyways thank you so much for your loyalty and hope to see you again soon!
          PS: Yes I know about premium. Do I want to spend $5 a month? Eh not really since I've already am doing about $10 monthly for Apple Music. But we'll see.


Are you still working on The Phantom’s Muse? I absolutely loved that one, and was wondering if you were going to continue that one. If you don’t, I understand, I was just curious since it’s been over a year.


Awww thanks hon! Your so sweet and thank you for reading my story!
            Currently I’m nearing my second year of college end and hopefully will get back to writing soon. I haven’t had much time to devote to it and my apologies on that. But I do plan on continuing it soon.