
What? It's FRIDAY already?!?!?!
          	Well, the week may have gotten away from me, but my buffer hasn't.
          	Chapter 18 of Patrol 4 is up!
          	**P.S. AyndhriaSoung, you're gonna like this chapter...**


@CEBronk Woohoo! Time to go read it! ^_^


Patrol 4, Chapter 8 is up!
            Only about a page in Word, so it's super short, as most of these recent chapters have been. (And, to be honest, I could've combined this one with the next one....... but I just couldn't resist ending the chapter with that ending line.)
          Happy Friday!


Have you ever considered writing a fantasy novel?
            Did you maybe write a fantasy story once or twice?
            Is fantasy writing your lifeblood?
            Do you think that never in a million years would you ever write a fantasy novel?
          @WattpadFantasy has a contest for you!
            No prompts, just writing. Write 15,000 words of a fantasy story and submit it.
            Enjoy discovering fantastic new creatures and characters.
            Just take the time to explore and get lost in a new world!
          **Full contest details and rules here: 
          ****And, no, I'm not an ambassador or affiliated with WattpadFantasy, other than being a fantasy writer and following their profile.****
          Come write with me! Let's go on an adventure!