I'll miss you forever
          	I love you always ry. 


i thought that id write this for you, just to remind you that i do infact love you more than i love most people. although we dont talk as much, and the bungee cord that held us together, as mr. Dunlop would say, has stretched far too much, i still love you more than anyone else does. someone can deny that and tell me im wrong but im not. our friendship is not based on how many letters we write to each other, nor is it based on how much we talk. it's based on the love in our hearts for each other. and i have so much love in my heart for you it scares me. you have made an impact on my life in such a way i cant describe. you have changed me for the better and youve shown me how to truly be happy. and for that i thank you raine. for everything you have ever done for me. losing you would be too hard, it would kill me inside. but im not losing you. i love you, raine, so very much. my daddy shrek. now, if you excuse me, im going to find you a fake 'chicken' that i can purchase without being carded. 
          smile babe.
          babygirl fiona.


hey, raine. i know we haven't talked in ages – honestly im not talking to anyone these days – but I'm just here to give you a lil reminder that you're still the amazing person that I was awed by a few months ago. 