I'm CJ Daugherty. In the last few years, my books have been stolen and plagiarised on Wattpad in several languages. Unfortunately Wattpad allows this to happen, and makes it easy to steal from writers, so I am deleting my profile and all my works from Wattpad in protest. If you want to see excerpts and out-takes, they will all be on my own website soon. Give me a few days and I'll be up and running. I'm sorry, but Wattpad needs to do a better job at protecting Copyright. It doesn't, so I'm out.
  • England
  • انضمJanuary 30, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
CJDaugherty CJDaugherty Jun 07, 2014 04:26PM
Hey everyone! Tonight I'm taking over the @MaximumPop Twitterfeed between 7 and 8pm UK time. (1-2pm US east coast). If you have any Night School questions, that would be the time to ask! Use the hash...
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