
Hey guys read my newest book called reasons to love the walking dead 


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Happy fourth of July everyone one I have had along day but I wanted you guys to know I have three new stories I'm gonna do different parts are gonna be published at different times so you just gotta stay tuned for more updates on my stories also go follow my friend @Emogirlalllone101 she has some books about dark creepy shit which I have read and it's really good so go follower her and wait for updates by also I have my name is walkergirl1 so go see I have made more than two hundred musical.lys anyway bye


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Im so fucking desperate please read my book


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@JBlackson omg thank you i hate that dick sucking bitch ron I'm mean he shots my man i tell you what if i ever met him ill be like bitch suck this


@JBlackson omg I love that show what is wrong with them. but I'm mad about what happened to Carl last week!!!!!!


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@JBlackson  thank you all my friends say that the walking dead fucking sucks but to me its like the only thing i watch 24/7.


Read my new book called my walking dead love story and my other book called carl grimes and me


@CRiggs12 hey guys someone has been snooping on my wattpad acount i dont know who it is but my dad is a lawyer and he can sue you so if someone is snooping on my acoount they better STOP RIGHT NOW!