
*cont* I absolutely love the way you can have an idea, and you start it, find it doesn't work put quite right, but one element of it does, and you think up a new idea around that element, and you end up with a full-fledged story that is just perfect. Sadly, I think I have never actually finished a full story. I just don't seem able to finish one. I lose all interest in it, and it just seems wrong. But that only seems to happen when I type it, so I'm starting to write them by hand more. I have to write about 4 or 5 pages before my hand starts to hurt, and I mean double-sided pages. Don't you just hate it when people don't use the other side of a apge? It really annoys me. But a lot of things annoy me, and if I put even half of them here, I would be here half the day. I will be anyway, but still. I think this is the end of my rant (finally). Sorry if anyone actually read all of this, but it needed to come out. I might do the same thing tomorrow, get it all outta my system.@authoressforever @authoressforever 


*cont* I absolutely love the way you can have an idea, and you start it, find it doesn't work put quite right, but one element of it does, and you think up a new idea around that element, and you end up with a full-fledged story that is just perfect. Sadly, I think I have never actually finished a full story. I just don't seem able to finish one. I lose all interest in it, and it just seems wrong. But that only seems to happen when I type it, so I'm starting to write them by hand more. I have to write about 4 or 5 pages before my hand starts to hurt, and I mean double-sided pages. Don't you just hate it when people don't use the other side of a apge? It really annoys me. But a lot of things annoy me, and if I put even half of them here, I would be here half the day. I will be anyway, but still. I think this is the end of my rant (finally). Sorry if anyone actually read all of this, but it needed to come out. I might do the same thing tomorrow, get it all outta my system.@authoressforever @authoressforever 


I like to write, and I like to read. Why do so many people have a problem with this?! It's not like I'm hurting them by doing it, and it's not like I'm trying to force it on them. As long as they leave me be, I'll leave them be. But no, they have to start something. So then (even though I know I shouldn't) I have to reply, which means I end up having a conversation with them. And I actually hate them. Why can't people just leave me alone when I have made it perfectly clear that I don't like them, and they have made it more than perfectly clear that they don't like me. Speaking of which, why do people see the point in constantly talking about people behind their backs, and making up stupid rumors about them It makes no sense, if you don't like someone, why would you want to talk about them? Maybe if people stopped caring as much what other people think of them, everyone's lives would be so much simpler. Why do people seem to care what people think about them? I couldn't care less, yet I am the most talked about person in my school of nearly 900 people. I'm not even the nastiest person in my year, yet rather than shun the people who talk about everyone, and constantly spread rumors about people, they shun the people they are talking about. Because the people who deserve to be shunnned are too well-liked by the other people, and they all afraid that if they start ignoring that person, they themselves will be ignored by everyone else. God, I hate school. All the drama for what? A few grades that will get a job, so you can deal with new drama on a daily basis. That is why I want to become an author. That way I won't have to deal with people all that much, and I have a perfect excuse to hole up in my room with a pen and some paper, and not emerge for hours, having written maybe a page. That is the best life in the world. Or at least that is the way it seems to me. It is probably really hard work, and I am fiding all the reasearch hard to do. It's worth it thought. 


Boo! lol, i recently wrote two new stories and would love to get some constructive criticism. Let me know what you think of them :]
          He has a twisted sense of humor and he hates my hair colour. He feeds me chokoberries just so he can kiss me and taste them from my mouth. 
          The bastard is my Master. 
          Alston. The atrocious Fae. 
          She has the ugliest hair he has ever seen and does not appreciate his amazing sense of humor. She loses her temper and her sharp tongue can outrun any Fae he has ever known. 
          The urchin is my servant. 
          Méav. The raven haired ecce.
          Quick Fact: Over 80% of the ppl who read the Chapter 1 continue on to read Chapter 3.
          Which % are you?
          Life is an empty shell if there is no one there beside you to share it with. Celest knows that all too well. After overhearing her fiancé making love with her step-sister, she shatters. Her quiet reserve is pushed aside to let out a torrent of emotions that have been boiling for the past years. 
          In an attempt to distance herself from all those who belittle her, she decides to take a long trip to South America.  She finds herself taking a flight to Margarita Island with one other lone passenger on the plane.
          Too bad life doesn’t always work out as planned.