
I am here living in the day without you.,
          	I am here drowning in the ny8 with absence of you.,
          	I am lost in the bubbles trying to hold on of you.,
          	I am found again in the crumbs of you.,
          	I am Sunstruck without your shine.,
          	I am Moonsliced without your hugs
          	I am waiting here knowing that there is no return of yours..... #J
          	PS: writing seems to be getting harder and difficult but I always end up here when I feel missing of a peace of mind...


I am here living in the day without you.,
          I am here drowning in the ny8 with absence of you.,
          I am lost in the bubbles trying to hold on of you.,
          I am found again in the crumbs of you.,
          I am Sunstruck without your shine.,
          I am Moonsliced without your hugs
          I am waiting here knowing that there is no return of yours..... #J
          PS: writing seems to be getting harder and difficult but I always end up here when I feel missing of a peace of mind...


"Surely LOVE is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emeralds, dearer than fine opals. Pearls and pomegranates cannot buy it, nor is it set forth in the market place. It may be not purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold...." Said the Nightingale, looking at the young student still lying on the grass, where she had left him , and the tears were not yet dry on his beautiful eyes..
          í dídnt wαntєd tσ вє thє σnlч σnє whσ wσuld thínk σf mч lσvєd σnє whílє rєαdíng thíѕ. ѕσ, thσught whч nσt ѕhαrє ít wíd чuh guчѕ....
          thє ínѕtαnt í rєαd díѕ, mч hєαrt fєlt fσr hím αnd mч hєαd вrσught híѕ fαcє ínfrσnt mч єчєѕ....
          híѕ fαcє wαѕ ѕσ crчѕtαl clєαr tσ mє thαt í thσught fσr α mínutє, hє wαѕ ѕtαndíng ríght thєrє, ín-pєrѕσn αnd í cαn αtlαѕt hσld hím вut thєn mч tєαchєrѕ vσícє вrσught mє вαck tσ rєαlítч. rєmíndíng mє í wαѕ ѕtíll ín thє míddlє σf thє clαѕѕ.
          íf чuh αll wσndєríng whσ wαѕ ít thαt í wαѕ drєαmíng σf...??
          σfcσurѕє....ítѕ jímín pαrk, mч unknσwn....
          αnd lєt mє knσw whσ íѕ thαt σnє pєrѕσn чuh rєmєmвєr thє mσmєnt чuh rєαd díѕ....
          ín thíѕ cσld wєαthєr, ѕtαч wαrm αnd gívє чσurѕєlf α єхtrα cαrє вєcαuѕє rєmєmвєr, prєcíσuѕ, чuα ѕpєcíαl....fσr mє αnd fσr чuαѕєlf....
          wíd lσvє,