Hey everyone! 
My name is April and I am a 28 year old woman from the US. I have a handsome, strong man and a wonderful,intelligent 9 year old son (who is going through some kind of stage and has been very naughty
the last few weeks...but that's normal my mom insists)
My truest passion is also my career...a pastry chef. My Grannie always said pick something you'll enjoy until retirement...I also have a sweettooth 24/7 so that played a role in my choice of career as well.
When I'm not in the kitchen baking or reading I'm spending time with my family or travelling. I also love to try new things.
Now that I've babbled on about myself I will say good bye to all of you fabulous people. As soon as my laptop is fixed I plan to upload my story and would love any comments or suggestions but please keep in mind I'm not a professional writer so if you have negative remarks that's fine, just don't be rude or an ass about it. Ok I'm off to make cupcakes so good bye for real this time.
Just incase your curious the cupcakes I'm making tonight are tres leche cupcakes with dulce de leche frosting and toasted coconut...yum.
  • USA
  • JoinedMay 28, 2011
