
if your wondering. dont worry i have not completly forgot about my male reader x Loona story the reason it's taken so long to get an update it's because the next project is quite long and when i come up with scenes in my head for a story my focus tends to shift to writting those scenes in that story. However i am getting my focus back on finishing up the chapter for the Loona story which i would probably say that it's about 85% done. so by the end of this week that chapter will be done and published


if your wondering. dont worry i have not completly forgot about my male reader x Loona story the reason it's taken so long to get an update it's because the next project is quite long and when i come up with scenes in my head for a story my focus tends to shift to writting those scenes in that story. However i am getting my focus back on finishing up the chapter for the Loona story which i would probably say that it's about 85% done. so by the end of this week that chapter will be done and published


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hey its me again. so the male reader x Loona story is coming to an end soon, i do have a lot of plans for different stories however some of them. Are author insert's because i fell like it . plus i like to try and have as much fun as i can with these stories, however i dont fell like it would be good to publish 1 after another. so that's why for the author insert's,  they will be published at the same time. so this is just a message to say after the male reader x Loona story in done then i probably be quite inactive for a while, however i dont usually engage other than posting updates so why not try and change that. if your a fan of power rangers then what is your favourite season and or suit, if your a fan of yu-gi-oh then what is your favourite archetype and fuck it let's add an out there question favourite waifu , can be from card game or anime, animation or shit like that. you guys respond then i will answer those question as well. this is asmpKiryu07 by-bye


Hey guys it's me, Adam. Don't worry I have not forgotten about the Loona story and I am very much alive and kicking. The reason it's taken so long for the new episode to come out. is that I have been having my prelims for my school coming thick and fast so much of my time has been taken up by preparing for them, also been waiting on my laptop to get fixed, why do I not write it on my phone? Whenever I start writing on my phone I honestly lack the motivation to continue to write on my phone. On the laptop that is not the case so there is a little update BUT I am also making this announcement for some help. After the Loona story, I was going to make a Power Rangers fan fiction but the series I was thinking of doing. suffers from the problem of powers getting introduced too early or getting introduced and never used again. So I was personally thinking that every 4 or 5 episodes. That is when a new power gets introduced, and then that gives a decent amount of episodes where the new powers get used more than once. thoughts? Also, feel free to tell me your ideas of how to handle it or little something I could try and add in.


@asmpKiryu07 not to mention that the pictures or videos get deleted when you write on your phone.


So what had just happened is my strange lovers. male reader x roxy had been randomly removed so now all that work has just been deleted and now people who wanted to or want to go back to look/read it can no longer do that I think... from looking at their community guidelines I think they removed due the sex scene. I don't really why if that is indeed the reason, since it was all fine up to this point, it is short and consexual and it doesn't go against anything at least to my knowledge.  so I don't understand why it's been removed but hey ho. I can't go back, try and respond to them to get it back or even question the specific reason. just thought I would post this so if people do go back and try and access it and they can't then if you see this message you know why, also kind of annoyed that this had just happened like 18 minutes ago. I will probably redo the version sometime later down the road because I already have my next 4 stories mapped. Any this is asmpKiryu07 singing of and B-Bye 


@fearmegu I don't think have it backed up on any Google drives or anything like that. That's the most annoying part. I'm not even sure if it is because of the sex scene that is just what I most likely assumed after reading the guidelines and I can't message them and found out the proper reason 


@asmpKiryu07 I don't think I have it backed up on my Google Drive or anything like that also it might not be because of the sex scene that I guessed looking at the community guidelines 


this message may be offensive
@asmpKiryu07 do you have like it backed up to goggle drive or something that's what I'm going to do if my stories get deleted cause if it's due to sex scenes then what's the fucking point for the mature setting?


Hey guys it's your boy Adam and I am back from taking a break over Christmas. I just wanted to say. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas or whatever you celebrate and also happy new year!!!. 2023 has been an interesting year for me and now we are onto a new year, how has your 2023 been? Feel free to let me know,  open to talk to people regardless if they follow me or not. The next chapter of my Loona story will be published tomorrow because of my small break and I have been doing other stuff which has taken up my time. with a new year comes new stories and new opportunities. With all that being said. This is asmpKiryu07. Adam signing off and b-bye 


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Was planning to publish the next chapter of the Remake -  a special someone who cares, but I have been out celebrating my birthday with some family friends. Now, I ended up vomiting twice within 20 minutes of each other, so there will be no update today and maybe not tomorrow since I'm doing shit tomorrow. HOWEVER, I want to try to make up for that. 1st - If i have time to update the book during the week, i will. 2nd- If i dont The next 2 and possibly 3 chapters will be published at the usual time on Saturday. This is asmpKiryu07- Adam peace 


if your wondering where is the new episode since it not published right now. then  as im saying this it is in production. the reason it is not out is that Monday- Friday is my school week so i want to focus on that, Sunday is my free day where i can go out and do some of the other things i enjoy. which is why i leave all fan fic stuff to the Saturday but this whole day my mind as been blanking and indecisive if i do come out with an idea. so it will be out tomorrow. dont worry chapter 5 of the book will out on the normal time since i all ready have an idea of what im going to do for that chapter. helluvaFNAFthing. Adam. out


update- my OG plan was to work and purplish the first season of a storey work on season 2 of loona and then finish of season 2 of that one, however i then wrote a chapter didnt like it, rewrite and repeat a couple times. now i really lost motivation to do it. that does not mean i am abandoning it completely i am just taking a pretty huge break to focus on other stories that i would like to do. i know my plans have been flip flopping but right now my school is pretty chaotic since i missed a whole month due to a stupid viral infection that toke the month to recover from. so im trying to also catch up on all that, so i really do need to focus on that and do one story at a time that i have motivation for .but i will still be publish a story a chapter or a couple chapters at a time every Saturday 8pm British time- helluvaFNAFthing. Adam. P out


well my OG plan was to publish this story that im working on when it is fully done but i have not been enjoying and been lacking motivation to work on them that way.  since im working on episodes on a Saturday only. going to test out releasing the story a episode at a time maybe 2 at a time.  hopefully that will work for me personally.