
the fact that I still get so many notifications in the big year of 2023 is so funny to me  as always thank y’all for reading my stories and sorry that I can’t finish them  


Yaa... authorshii plz comeback Naa....we love your stories plz



Hi sweetheart
          I'm a translator from God's fiction on Telegram, I want to take your agreement for translating Missing that is in Yoonmin version, into Minlix version from Straykids, I will be glad if you accept this. This story is so meaningful for me. Let me know your thoughts! Tnx for hard work love


the original ending of missing broke me but the 3rd alt ending kinda healed me like 40%. still broken 60% but overall had a good balance
          The 'jimin opening his eyes and a tear falling' in chapter 50 just hurts me in ways i never imagined a book could ever hurt me.
          you are so very talented author. keep writing these amazing books and maaaaaaybe try not to make us cry? ILY  


I’ve always thought of maybe rewriting stalker on a different platform (ao3 probably) since my writing now would probably be so much better and I can express the plot in the way I wanted to easier now that I’ve grown! I haven’t pursued writing in a long time so this is just an idea, I just wanted to know if anyyyyy of y’all would be interested in that at all! Like it’ll have the same basis but just a more mature style of writing (without taking away from the humor and embarrassment the story has). I cant make any promises though, it’s just something that’s always been in the back of my head because I do miss writing! 


@CanYouVernot OMG YES YES PLEASE!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Stalker has been my fav and it made me upset that it is incomplete. Yes Please I am a fan of your writing. I'll dearly read and cherish if you write. I'll definitely love it. I hope you will complete it. 


scene BY** scene 


Although my other stories are more popular, I choose stalker to rewrite simply because I had the most fun with it! I think I stopped writing it because I got stuck trying to figure out what to do next. I realize now I don’t have to write everything scene but scene. 