
No one's gonna know.
          	No one's gonna know.


this message may be offensive
Guys omg the most scariest shit happened. I was reading a book, then suddenly my wattpad glitches out. I didn't think of it that much until I opened, it said that I had to sign in again. It was weird but still continued to Ignore and typed my password and everything, it brought me back to this account and I was relieved, I went to check if everything's in order when suddenly, BAM, the entire draft I had for 'your wish' and my other books are gone. I stared at it for what seems like a whole fcking minute. I panicked and tried to exit the app and restart my phone but still none. I wanted to cry so bad,but before I had a pity party and ate ice cream. I logged out if my account and back again. Suddenly all of my drafts was there. BRUH I AM IN TEARS RIGHT NOW. thank goddd. I was scared as hell cuz I didn't know how I would update the book. You probably didn't read this! But for those who did 'have a cookie' *gives you cookie. Thanks for reading?? Chapter drops maybe two days from now?? Idkkk  love you muffins!!


@SirPebs ahhhh, im so sorry to hear that 


sometimes i wonder if wattpad truly is a good thing


@Cannot_live_here you're lucky cuz i got the same glitch and my phone broke from it :P