
hi everyone. I'm going to be participating in the Meet Me At Midnight contest (you can find the link on the @WattpadContests conversations page) and it will be titled Dear Diary... but i may expand it into a place for me to just vent my feelings so if you see i created a new book it's nothing special


          Yesterday was perfect for the announcement date especially because it was 8 years, 9 months and 13 days from the original release. She came out in blue outfits and drove us all crazy!


So sorry I haven’t updated but I’m working on organizing all my story ideas so I can write them into stories and posting them!!! I have a few one shots written that i will post soon hopefully!!! One thing for sure is that Who Is Killian Jones? wont be updated until September as I am in a different state until then and I forgot to bring the notebook I have it written in. Thanks everyone for your support!!


Hi everyone!! I know I haven't updated my books in a long time and I'm sorry!! Things have been crazy lately with school ending soon, it's performance season once again for my chorus and we've been busy! We had our last competition on Friday though and we placed in first twice! 1st place for mixed choir (our division) and overall! As for my books, I haven't transferred all of Who Is Killian Jones? to my drafts from the notebook its written in and I have MAJOR writers block for The Mystery of True Love. Hopefully I will be able to update more soon with the amount of performances and rehearsals dying down for chorus. I do have finals coming up though so those will be a setback. I also won't be able to update next weekend because I have an event Saturday and will be trying to get Taylor Swift tickets! Thanks!!


Hi everbody!! I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated, life has been crazy and I have a lot of stuff going on in my personal life and I've been really focused in school and trying to keep up and keep my grades up with the marking period ending. I will definitely have an update on Who Is Killian Jones up tonight, and hopefully any update tomorrow, most likely Friday. I am going away this weekend and most likely won't have a good enough internet connection to update so I will update during the week when I'm off. Thanks!!


Hey everyone!! Sorry I've been MIA with updating! I've had a lot going on so I haven't gotten a chance to write as much. But, new story and update on Who Is Killian Jones? coming very soon, hopefully tomorrow! It's going to be tough until next Thursday, most likely Friday for me to update because I'm preparing for a competition with my chorus, which is Thursday so I'm probably going to be very tired since it is an all day event and I will want to sleep when I get home. I'll try and update as much as possible until then with whatever inspiration/rewrites I have.