
So...after the Watty's released their winners, I went through the list and I saw that some of the winners included stories based off of Supernatural and The Legend of Zelda. It sounds like nothing, but it means there is hope. 
          	I have a newfound motivation to finish this book and edit it for next year. And hopefully, y'all will still be with me along the ride


So...after the Watty's released their winners, I went through the list and I saw that some of the winners included stories based off of Supernatural and The Legend of Zelda. It sounds like nothing, but it means there is hope. 
          I have a newfound motivation to finish this book and edit it for next year. And hopefully, y'all will still be with me along the ride


This took a bit longer than expected, but after grinding and trying to find a routine that works, I'm back and better than ever! Since I will be staying on campus for the Easter Break, it'll give me a lot of time to work on Chapter 15 of "Star Wars: Legacy of the Darkness", which might be the most somber chapter I've written...ever. Expect it to be done by the end of Saturday/beginning of Sunday. I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but please give it a read. i promise it is something worth reading. I also wanna thank my friend @yourfriendbri for helping me out developing my story and helping me decide where to take it. So be on the lookout for the next chapter soon, and be sure to like, share and all that. You can even follow me on social media, if you fancy.
          Stay Phenomenal


Hello there new follower!
          Quick side note: You are an awesome person and your username is really cool! 
          Thank you for the follow. I really appreciate it. Please feel free to check out my stories on my profile titled "Matt-038" (a Halo Fanfiction story), "Republic Commando: Knight of Honor" (a Star Wars Fanfiction story), "The Elite Task Force" (a Call of Duty Fanfiction story) & "Assassin's Creed: Dying Embers" (a Assassin's Creed Fanfiction story). I hope you can check out my stories and any feedback you could give me on them would be greatly appreciated. If you can, I'd appreciate it if you would vote and comment on my stories if you enjoyed reading them. If you ever do decide to read one of my stories, I hope you enjoy reading it! :-)
          P.S. I will read more of your stories when I have the time to do so! I see that you write Star Wars stories and I will check them out when I can clear away some of my hectic schedule.
          Also, I will be starting a Q&A book soon so you can get to know me better. If you want to be featured in the Q&A book, please PM your questions telling me that you want your questions to be in the book. You can ask me whatever you want. Questions can be Wattpad related, real life related, or anything you would like to know about me. I don't care.
          With all that said, thank you again for the follow and I hope you have a safe and fantastic day/night!!!


Well, this is depressing but...
          It has come to my attention that I haven't been on here and interacting with you all for quite some time. It took what seemed like months to finish Chapter 14, and I'm nowhere close to finished. So it is with sadness that I say I'm going to bow out for a period of time. Long enough so I can get myself straightened out and am able to find time to make for my work .But with a film in progress, college, and stuff of that's hard to keep up everything. So until I can figure out a structure, don't expect any notifications for my book anytime soon. 
          Stay Phenomenal


Hey thank you for the follow. Hope you will check my book. No pressure though. Have a nice day/night :)


Thanks! I hope you get a chance to check out any of my works as well. If I may inquire, I would like more feedback from my Star Wars story not as a fan of Space Wars, but as a reader in general. Thanks :3