
No, I have not left again. I have actually run into some problems with the final Eternal book, and it's taking some time to figure out it out and continuing. I've actually had to go back and read everything I have written before, including the two full books already posted on this website. I was heading in a direction that I thought I had wanted to go, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that it was actually against everything I had done so far. So I had to remind myself of what the end game was, and that is taking some time. I am sorry for the inconvenience, but I would rather do this than publish something that I would quickly come to realize was not the real ending of the Eternal series.


@Captius when you will be back


hey guys how yall doing


Every year once or twice I come back to this app to check if there is any update. At this point I know it's impossible but never say never right? Hope you are doing well Captius, and hope someday you will write something again. 


Captius, we have been waiting for years for an update and you gave us hope with your reply but it has been a year now and it seems you gone out of touch again. We don't know what is happening anymore. 


@canucks386  Does anyone know why did he delete his update?


@canucks386 which update is that?


@gamascal look at his latest update on eternal 