
This happens to writers a lot, or so I’ve heard, but it’s happened to me with Imperilment. I haven’t planned it out at all and the plot is very messy and unenjoyable in my head. 
          I’ve always heard if I’m bored writing it, readers are bored reading it. 
          I want to feel passion in what I’m writing, so I will be scrapping Imperilment and working on something new. 
          Love, Bailey


@CaptivatingWords I do outlines in my head too, but usually if I sense major story structure problems I’ll write some things down. I find character outlines to be helpful. Having read some of your stuff I can def say you are not a bad writer though. 


@nightmares83 Exactly! I did an outline in my head- which clearly is a no no.   At least some writing practice came out of it!


It’s very brave of you to kill that many of your darlings  I usually don’t start anything without doing an outline. At least a basic one.


Hey guys! I’m beginning to go though The Boy In Black chapters to edit and revise! I’m actually hoping to get it published one day and will be changing a few chapters. I’m doing this because I wrote this story in high school, and I am now 22 and would like to make the story much better without changing key events that make the book what it is. The storyline and conclusion will stay the same, but some chapters that I regret writing will be re written these next couple of weeks. 
          I thank you, and I hope if one day my dreams come true and it gets published, you all will get a copy and have the story forever on your bookshelves. It’s a crazy ride of a story, and I intend on keeping it as dark and as insane as you all know and love it to be! Just a few edits is all that’s happening. 
          Love to you all, 


@CaptivatingWords OMG yayyy! “Who he is” is to this day my favorite book on here so adding to the ending would be amazing!!! 


@linaasenorita Hey! I just wanted to add most of my edits are going to be clean ups. As I was reading through it I noticed so many errors lol. And for Who he is, I would like to change/add to the ending a bit. I will admit it was a bit rushed so I could move on to a new story idea beyond TBIB. 


Does that mean you’ll also edit Who he is?