
Thank you for following me and adding Darling to your list! I hope you enjoy reading my works!


Thank you for writing them!


Wow! Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my works so much!


@JadeQueen100  Are you kidding me?? I was obsessed with Mad and Sang Insane and only realized when looking for Ire and your other books that I wasn't following you. It's pretty clear how much I enjoy reading your work.


Hi! I see you've added my story 'Pretty In Pink' to one of your reading lists? I hope that means you're going to read it ;D! 


@Beaubeaubeau90210 Names always mix me up so no total fault there. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 


@CaramelMocha27 First of all, thank you, I got bubbly feelings of happiness in my stomach while reading this, and secondly, the name mix up would have been my bad. While I was writing it, I myself got a little confused. (*idiot*) I'm super glad you're enjoying it, and I'll definitely update on time :)  
            Hope you have a nice day, too ;D 


@Beaubeaubeau90210 I started reading it last night and I couldn't put it down. I loved how there was always some kind of surprise right around the corner. There were some name switchups that confused me though. For a whole paragraph, I thought that Lani and Theo were high school sweethearts and we're the ones getting married. I think it was because you switched out Chloe with Lani for some parts of describing the relationship and was confusing. But all in all, it was really good. I really hope you keep updating because my imagination is going to run away with the rest of my brain... Hope you have a nice day! 