
₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒✦You, my sweet, are a SHINING STAR! Your votes and comments seriously made my day (and maybe a little week!).
          Thank you SO much for taking the time to support my work, it means the world to me! (˃̵ᴗ˂̵)


₊❏❜ ⋮ ⌒✦¦|@CaramelMoor|¦✦
            Don't jinx it with the worldwide fame just yet! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈) 
            But seriously, thank you for your kind words! I, as a writer, appreciate you!  
            Oh, and speaking of updates, the next chapter of my book is brewing in my writer's cauldron as we speak! 
            Expect some fluff and funny scenes soon! <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>


@AsaWri7er GASPS  AWWWW thank you and ur welcum! I hope you have wonderful week!  i just reading underrated works cus I feel bad  BUT I hope lotta ppl read ur fanfic(?) too MUAHAHAHAHAHA worldwide fame GRAAAAAAAAAH