


If you haven't already go send @Pepsi_fiend your love today is her last day and she needs to know how much the Bat Family is gonna miss her!


@Carefree_Kid7 Thank you! You I'm sure she'll love anything, just wishing her well would probably make her really happy! ^-^


@MaskedMoonPrincess Sure! I'll try my best :)


Sorry guys I've been inactive lately. Internet's kinda sloppy and is like a snail. Wish I can talk to you but yeah I need some time since my classmates are pressuring me to do stuff. I hope you can understand me. :) See ya soon all!!!


@Carefree_Kid7 So glad to hear that you are doing your best to stand up! Take things at your own pace and don't push yourself too much! I know it's hard so just do things as you can and things will get better! And of course the Bat Family is lucky to have you as well^-^


@MaskedMoonPrincess Thank you for the advice. :) Yeah, I'm starting to stand up for myself these past few days. It was difficult but yeah, I'm trying. It's just, urgh. I don't know? Everything's messed up… I hate how things are going in my head… like there's no escape with this tangled thoughts. Kinda confusing being the middle of two side arguing with each other. Anyway, thank you everyone for the support. I really thank all of you… so glad that I met people like you. I'll try my best to be better! :7


@Carefree_Kid7 Just noticed this and wanted to say that you shouldn't do anything that you yourself don't want to do. I know its hard to stand up for ourselves sometimes but trust me when you do you'll gain a lot of courage. I wish you the best and know that everything will work out! Just remember its not important what others think of us only what we think of ourselves and those who are important to us think of us, but anyone else opinion doesn't matter. Words can be painful but they are easily brushed off once you learn that they are nothing but a bully's sad means to make themselves feel better. Anyway, sorry for my rant but I'm sure everything will work out soon, and if you ever need your Bat Family is here to support you through any hard times.  <3<3