
k-- so... I've read Bridge to Terabithia twice
          	I've never seen the movie till tonight.  I-- omgs I haven't cried this much since-- IDK when!
          	Like I didn't cry when Bia, or Silena, or Charlie, or Cedric, or Tonks, or Lupin, or Zoe died... So why did I cry this much when Leslie died?!


k-- so... I've read Bridge to Terabithia twice
          I've never seen the movie till tonight.  I-- omgs I haven't cried this much since-- IDK when!
          Like I didn't cry when Bia, or Silena, or Charlie, or Cedric, or Tonks, or Lupin, or Zoe died... So why did I cry this much when Leslie died?!


I.... I just watched the entire Dear Evan Hansen musical...
          I have never cried that many times in a 2-hour timespan...


OMGS YES!!!  My favorite song is, and always will be, You Will Be Found.


My mom's bff's cat just died.... and I loved this cat so much..
          He was the only one that accepted my affection...
          I'm cryingggggg.......


Okay-- My people!
          Go follow @annabeth_everdeen09.
          She lost like- 5 followers.  For no reason.  She is an amazhang person, and she doesn't deserve people randomly unfollowing.


k- so-
          I'm rereading House of Hades, and I just--gods.
          Page 265 'Hazel nodded, "I remember something about that.  The nuns at St. Agnes taught us that Diocletian was a huge villain, right along with Nero and CALIGULA."'  
          Isn't Caligula the dude that kills Jason in The Burning Maze?  Is Rick foreshadowing Jason's death?


I have gone through this so I can help
          Run away for a week bring what you need then when you come back don't act like you care about any punishments.


@ThatDAMhalfBlood6426 I would love to.  But my parents know where all my friends live, so they would be able to find me like that *Snaps fingers*.  And the friends that the parents don't know where they live, I don't know either.  I have threatened it MANY times, and when I do, they take away anything that I could use to pack my stuff.


          You guys aren't going to get mad if I rant, right?
          Good.  So.  My mum told me to come to the living room and started talking to me about my grades.  Cause they apparently suck rn.
          And I got upset, because I know I've been turning in these assignments that say that they're missing, and so I started going to my room, and they called me back.
          And I start to, but they think I'm not.  Soooo mom comes and GRABS ME when I have TOLD THEM to please not touch me without permission.  
          And she puts me down on the floor, sits behind me, and puts me in a lock, so I can't escape.  And tells me that they support me.  
          When I know FULL WELL that when they find out about my sexuality, they're going to get REALLY mad.  Because "There are only two genders, and you can't like girls if you're a girl."
          That is the end of my rant, thank you for coming.  ❤️❤️