
Hey, everybody! 
          	Alright, so I haven't really been writing as much as I should be, because of finals.  so much stress! So I'm not goin to be on Wattpad as much. So if you want, follow me on Instagram, add my Snapchat, DM me, and I'll talk to you! 
          	Instagram: _Little_Miss_Artistic_
          	Snapchat: EyItsTayTheBae 
          	Peace, Lovelies! Xo


Hey, everybody! 
          Alright, so I haven't really been writing as much as I should be, because of finals.  so much stress! So I'm not goin to be on Wattpad as much. So if you want, follow me on Instagram, add my Snapchat, DM me, and I'll talk to you! 
          Instagram: _Little_Miss_Artistic_
          Snapchat: EyItsTayTheBae 
          Peace, Lovelies! Xo


this message may be offensive
Wow! Who knew little people that hide behind a computer screen, are actually trying to act tough? Good for them that they actually try for once. Nobody is going to harass @NiallsMyDrug and get away with it. She's my best friend, and if you don't like it, Here's a magnifying glass to see who gives a fuck about you, cause the answer is nobody!