
I know it's been long, I'm sorry but school and now that it's finished ( it finished a week ago) my mind was flooding with thoughts so I'll start writing again.
          	Thank you by the way to everyone who stuck by me even though I've been a bitch and not uploading, nit you do have to remember when I had school I was trying really hard but no school = time to think and time to think = I wrote again...YAAAAAAAY!!!
          	But I love you all no matter how any butt cheeks there are so let's have a group hug no matter where your from.
          	*GROUP HUUG \(^0^)/*
          	But anyway 
          	Peace x


I know it's been long, I'm sorry but school and now that it's finished ( it finished a week ago) my mind was flooding with thoughts so I'll start writing again.
          Thank you by the way to everyone who stuck by me even though I've been a bitch and not uploading, nit you do have to remember when I had school I was trying really hard but no school = time to think and time to think = I wrote again...YAAAAAAAY!!!
          But I love you all no matter how any butt cheeks there are so let's have a group hug no matter where your from.
          *GROUP HUUG \(^0^)/*
          But anyway 
          Peace x


I love your zoro x reader x sanji it's so funny when zoro tease sherbbat being mrs roronoa


Oops forget what I said abt the zoro thing wrong fanfic but please update


Please update soon I can't wait


Thank you ฅ^>ω<^ฅ