
I am really going to spoil you guys for the FOUR chapters covering the seventh Detective Conan movie. Like, forty pages of content and fluff galore. It'll be posted in two days, though, since I'm flying back home from Canada tomorrow.
          	After these four chapters, I'll be a little over halfway through my planned episodes for Battle Scars and I am ready to get started on the second book of the series.


Omggg can’t wait!!!


I am really going to spoil you guys for the FOUR chapters covering the seventh Detective Conan movie. Like, forty pages of content and fluff galore. It'll be posted in two days, though, since I'm flying back home from Canada tomorrow.
          After these four chapters, I'll be a little over halfway through my planned episodes for Battle Scars and I am ready to get started on the second book of the series.


Omggg can’t wait!!!


For anyone wondering, I have taken down my Detective Conan story for a few days while I work on editing and new formatting. I think I'll have it back up in the next one or two days, but don't hold me to that.
          I've got a family member I've never met on my mother's side coming for a week-long visit, and I have no idea how it's going to go. Wish me luck because my mom's side of the family has a history of being very exhausting...


Omg I loooove your profile!


@CaseyDixon1 lol I do admit although Hunter is my fave Tech does tug at me. But yes how can one simply choose I mean...they're all so unique and loveable!


@ForeverDirectioner73 though they are all so lovable!


@ForeverDirectioner73 stuck between Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega